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Explore Kilimanjaro foothills on a bicycle


Ready to pedal your adventure in Amboseli! Spend the day cycling around the Amboseli ecosystem with a guide strolling through the beaten tracks, to trails where no cars go, and of course, be on the Masai hill at the sunset sipping a sundowner with the breathtaking view of Mt Kilimanjaro. Amboseli landscape was created in such a way that it accommodates various nature activities. Biking is far from busy roads. You will experience a different face of Africa-local villages and traditional tribesmen, breathtaking scenery, and wildlife grazing on the plains. This bike tour is a challenge that one should consider taking part in when in Amboseli. Guests staying at one of the Airbnbs or camps in the area, most owned by local Maasai communities, will have the opportunity to enjoy one of many mountain biking trails in the area. The area is famous for its clear views of Mount Kilimanjaro over the Tanzanian border.

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